Voltaire instructed that there is a connection between absurdity and atrocities. He advised: "Those who can make you believe absurdity can make you commit atrocities." Of course - the connection is more apparent in hindsight and when judging the foolish - even evil acts - of others. It can be harder to see the connection between the absurd and the risk of fostering evil in the present.
In the below linked posting, the closing of a police substation at Harvard University is presented as the lead into a companion university action - the banning of Harvard's campus police from eating in student dining halls. The ban is absurd relative to maintaining a positive relationship between the university's police officers and the students within the campus community. To the extent that the university gave into wokeness or displeasure of some students to have to be in the same room as a police officer seeking to eat a meal is foolish. Yet each act of demonization further divides the police from the larger community. No good comes from such actions --- and the evil that can lead to a society with atrocities is dangerously one step closer.
It would be far better if the university encouraged the community to seek opportunities to "break bread" with their police officers.
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#community #university #policecommunityrelations #police #harvarduniversity #absurdity #evil #breakingbread