Two Veteran’s Day Items – Thank You
Inspiration from the Story of M/Sgt Edmonds and a Veterans Portrait Exhibit
On this Veteran’s Day 2022, Secure 1776 remembers all those who have honorably worn an armed forces uniform in service to our nation. We encourage all who have not yet read our 2021 feature, “Fear is a Confusion Weapon,” to do so today. It is an inspirational story. In that posting we highlight the leadership of World War II veteran Roddie Edmonds. He continued to fight against evil, even while a prisoner of war. We salute the courage of all the soldiers who stood with him there, and throughout the history of our nation. We also take a moment to recommend a bit of Chicago journalism posted today. That article profiles the photographic work of Thomas Sanders. We recommend all passing through Midway Airport to see his photo exhibit of American veterans. We proudly join those today remembering our military veterans. [Click here to read our full post.]